January 22, 2011

Oh so cold in East Coast USA!

Imagine a mini soccer field, cleared of deep snow to reveal the frosted grass beneath.  How easy it makes keeping the ball in play for teeny 2.5 year olds when there's a wall of hard packed snow all around, and  especially when it's in your own back yard!   And that's how it is for Harry, Andy and Sophie's littlest, now living in Old Greenwich.   All the children of the area are required to wear ski boots and parkas to school, and must bring full ski gear - ski pants mittens etc every day,  before they can be allowed out to play.   It's sooo cold, and soooo cool!     

Could anyone's smile be bigger than this?
Jamie's so proud of the medals he won for racing!
 Here in Australia, I took the windsurfer ski out, paddled to Snapperman Beach and back in glorious sunshine, and thought about the days they were all here at Palm Beach.  The tide would be in, the red canoe would be out, along with anything that floated.   They are missed in our lives, but life is an adventure, and we need to live every day.                             

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